picto fleche BOOK

Frequently asked questions

Yes, the hotel has a secure closed car park, subject to an extra charge.

Yes, pets are accepted at an extra charge.

Yes, the hotel has a bicycle storage room.

You can download the file below containing a detailed list of all the services.


Yes, you can charge your electric vehicle at an extra charge.

Practical information

Nearby towns

Chalon-sur-Saone 30km away
Dijon 44km away
Autun 50km away
Dole 65 km away
Lons-le-Saunier 80km away
Besançon 105 km away

Close to the A6 and A36 motorways
Beaune railway station 750m away
Chalons - Champforgeuil airport 30km away
Beaune-Vignolles aerodrome 3km away

GPS coordinates: 47.0208 - 4.8423